People who are ‘emotionally immature’ always use these 12 phrase
‘It’s not my fault.’ People who are emotionally immature often won’t take responsibility for their own actions when something goes wrong.
If you hadn’t done that, it wouldn’t have happened.’ An emotionally immature person will do everything in their power to not take responsibility for their actions, and a common tactic is to make it seem like you, or literally anyone else, is in the wrong — not them.
I don’t need to explain myself to you.’ You can almost imagine a little kid saying this one. This phrase is a way for them to avoid any true accountability or genuine communication with the person they are engaging with.
‘You’re overreacting.’ This is a combo of gaslighting — trying to make others believe a false reality — and shifting the blame again. The message they’re sending: You’re the problem, not me. Another toxic phrase in this vein is “you’re being too sensitive.”
'Yeah, whatever.’ People use that simple “whatever,” often with a shrug, to say, “I’m done discussing this.” It’s an emotionally immature method to shut down the paths of communication and figuratively walk away from any further discussion.
‘What are you talking about? I never said that!’ People who are emotionally immature rewrite reality, both for themselves and, possibly more importantly, for others. When someone says something like this, they’re typically trying to evade responsibility and make you think something else happened.
'It’s your problem, not mine.’ In this case, emotionally immature people walk away from any complicated issue by throwing it onto someone else and dismissing any and all responsibility. It’s the perfect example of transference.
‘You’re making such a big deal out of nothing!’ By saying phrases like this, an emotionally immature person is dismissing the other person’s concerns and opinions, and belittling their reaction.
‘You’re talking about the past.’ Yes, it’s usually best to focus on the future. But emotionally immature people will often accuse people who bring up their mistakes of harping on the past. They don’t want to learn from their mistakes and they don’t want an honest discussion about whatever is happening. They want to move on without addressing the issue.
‘I was just joking!’ It might sound like they’re trying to smooth things over, but it’s actually more of a way of critiquing someone, then distancing themselves from their statement.
You always’/‘You never...’ nstead of engaging in constructive honest conversation or using specific examples, they will issue an accusatory blanket statement and use that to avoid any further discussion.
‘But everyone does it!’ They’ll pull out the time-honored “everyone’s doing it” argument as a justification for something they want to do or already have done. Of course, they’re blameless if they’ve done something wrong, they were just going along with the crowd, after all.