Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw is all set to launch the first pair of world-class Vande Bharat trains in India. This train is ready to run for general passengers in two months. So far, only chair car, Vande Bharat Metro, Vande Bharat sleeper train are running in the name of Vande Bharat, which are available only to those who travel in AC. There will be Amrit Bharat train service for passengers who do not travel in AC.
The fare of this train will be equal to the capital. Initially, it will be run from 800 to 1200 km. This train will have better seating positioning, very low vibration, better speed and better management for the crew members.
BHOPAL TO LUCKNOW form October, Bhopal Lucknow Vande Bharat Express will be the first train of Bhopal Division to be equipped with Kavach Protection System, which will have state-of-the-art features like cooling system along with external improvements. Currently, version 2.0 of Vande Bharat is running in Bhopal, while version 3.0 is running in other parts of the country. Now 50 new trains of version 4.0 will be launched.