Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated 6,778 development projects worth ₹1,231 crore in Ambedkar Nagar on Sunday, marking another milestone in the state’s infrastructure and welfare efforts. In addition to launching these projects, the Chief Minister distributed sports kits to members of Yuvak Mangal Dal and Mahila Mangal Dal, a gesture aimed at promoting youth engagement in sports and fitness.
Addressing a public rally on the occasion, Adityanath linked the inauguration to the festive spirit of Ganesh Chaturthi, which was celebrated across the country just a day before. “Yesterday was Ganesh Chaturthi, and the country celebrated the festival with joy. On this occasion, the people of Ambedkar Nagar are receiving development projects worth ₹1,231 crore. What can be more special than this?” he remarked.
Adityanath took the opportunity to reflect on the transformation Uttar Pradesh has undergone under his leadership, particularly regarding the state’s law and order situation. He contrasted the current environment with the pre-2017 scenario, accusing previous governments of allowing lawlessness to thrive. “Everyone remembers how UP was before 2017. Mafias ran a parallel government in every district under the leadership of the Samajwadi Party and Congress,” he said, directly criticizing the opposition. He added that the voices of the poor and marginalized were often silenced under previous administrations, and welfare schemes rarely benefited those who needed them most.
The Chief Minister went on to accuse the former government, led by Akhilesh Yadav, of focusing solely on retaining power rather than working for the people. “The state government had no interest in anything other than power,” he stated. Since 2017, his administration has taken steps to eradicate organized crime from Uttar Pradesh, making the state ‘mafia-free’ and ensuring that festivals and public celebrations can now take place peacefully.
Adityanath also accused opposition parties of following a policy of appeasement, particularly when it came to religious and cultural events. He claimed that under previous regimes, festivals such as Dussehra and Durga Puja were often marred by controversy and restrictions. “Today, whether it’s the Jal Jeevan Mission or the foundation-laying ceremonies for the Shiv Baba Temple and Shravan Dham, everything is moving forward smoothly,” he said, emphasizing the state’s current focus on development.
Highlighting ongoing welfare initiatives, Adityanath announced plans for further infrastructure improvements in Ambedkar Nagar. “We are laying the foundation for 140 tube wells and approving the construction of a bypass at Kathari,” he noted. He assured the public that the government’s development plans would benefit everyone, irrespective of religious or political affiliation. “Every hand will have work, and every field will get water,” he declared, stressing the inclusivity of his administration’s policies.
The Chief Minister also highlighted the progress made in housing and road infrastructure, pointing out that more than 560,000 homes have been built for the poor in Ambedkar Nagar alone. “The highways and roads being constructed—will only BJP members or Hindus use them? The benefits of all schemes have been provided without discrimination,” he asserted, in a bid to dispel concerns about bias in the distribution of resources.
Earlier in the day, Yogi Adityanath held a ‘Janta Darshan’ program at the Gorakhnath Temple in Gorakhpur, where he addressed the grievances of the public. The event saw a long queue of people, especially women, eager to present their issues to the Chief Minister.
On September 7, Adityanath was joined by Vice President of India Jagdeep Dhankhar for a visit to the Gorakhnath Temple. The Vice President, along with his wife Dr. Sudesh Dhankhar, offered prayers at the temple. The day also marked the inauguration of the first Sainik School in Gorakhpur, a significant development for the region. Additionally, Vice President Dhankhar inaugurated a shooting range at the school, where both he and CM Yogi Adityanath tried their hand at shooting.
With the ongoing focus on development, welfare schemes, and law and order improvements, Adityanath reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring that Uttar Pradesh continues to move forward on the path of progress.