On Monday, BJP politician Ramniwas Rawat was added to the cabinet of Madhya Pradesh, joining Chief Minister Mohan Yadav’s administration as a minister.
At a brief ceremony held in the Raj Bhawan here, Governor Mangubhai Patel gave Rawat the oath of office and secrecy in the presence of Chief Minister Yadav.
Rawat, a six-time MLA from Vijaypur in Sheopur district, quit the Congress and joined the ruling BJP during the Lok Sabha poll campaign on April 30.
Although Mr. Rawat joined the BJP, he has not yet resigned from the State assembly.
Since joining the BJP at a poll rally, Mr. Rawat had hesitated to confirm his switch over to the ruling side.
CM Yadav, who assumed office on December 13, 2023, following the Assembly elections, inducted 28 legislators into his cabinet on December 25.
CM Yadav, who assumed office on December 13, 2023, following the assembly elections, inducted 28 legislators into his cabinet on December 25.
With the induction of Rawat, the cabinet strength has risen to 29.
The maximum strength of the MP cabinet is 34.