Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Nayab Singh Saini said that programs like ‘Raahgiri’ not only foster a sense of unity and harmony among people but are also effective in making the…
Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Nayab Singh Saini said that programs like ‘Raahgiri’ not only foster a sense of unity and harmony among people but are also effective in making the…
Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Nayab Singh today inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for 13 development projects in Sirsa district, amounting to over Rs. 78 crore. He inaugurated 5 projects…
Haryana Chief Minister Sh Nayab Singh, while making several announcements for Panchayat representatives, declared that Sarpanches can now undertake development works up to Rs 21 lakhs in their Gram Panchayats…
Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Nayab Singh has directed the officers of Transport Department to accelerate the distribution of HAPPY (Haryana Antyodaya Parivar Parivahan Yojana) cards so that the people covered…
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