Bollywood star Ranveer Singh has joined the clamor of people praising the science fiction epic Kalki 2898 AD, which stars Kamal Haasan, Prabhas, and his wife, actress Deepika Padukone’s. Ranveer couldn’t contain his excitement when posting on Instagram. Referring to the movie as a “grand cinematic spectacle,” he emphasized how the superb technical execution enhances the big-screen experience. He praised all the members of the team, especially director Nag Ashwin, saying they had achieved “an unprecedented level of finesse.”

Ranveer expressed his gratitude for his co-stars in particular. He praised Kamal Haasan for his long legacy as the “Ulaganayagan (Universal Hero) who is forever supreme!” and praised Prabhas as the “Rebel Star who rocks!”

Ranveer’s admiration for Amitabh Bachchan was evident. He said, “And if you are a die-hard Amitabh Bachchan fan like me… you just can’t miss this!”


But what really won him over was Deepika Padukone’s performance. He called her “baby” and showed how much he loved her, praising her poise, dignity, and strong presence. “Such poignancy, such poetry, such power,” he said. “You are incomparable. I cherish you.”

Ranveer Singh’s story on Instagram

Ranveer’s compliments are indicative of the general accolades that Kalki 2898 AD has garnered. The movie has received incredible reviews from both industry insiders and fans, with many people praising the actors and crew.


For the first time since the film’s premiere, Amitabh Bachchan personally made the effort to see it on a large screen. Photos from a late-night movie outing with his son Abhishek and pals were posted on his blog, showcasing the enjoyable experience of seeing “all the progress” that film has made.