Kirodi Lal Meena, a minister from Rajasthan, resigned from the state Cabinet one month after unexpected results from the Lok Sabha election caught the BJP off guard. According to his assistant, Meena had pledged to resign should the party fail to win any of the seven Lok Sabha seats that fall under his purview.
As the party lost certain seats, including Dausa, his birthplace, Meena tendered his resignation. “Minister Kirodi Meena resigned. Ten days ago, he handed in his resignation to the chief minister,” the assistant added.
The Congress fared better in the Rajasthan Lok Sabha elections, gaining eight seats, including Dausa, while the BJP won 14 of 25 seats. Three seats were won by other parties.
Meena was in charge of multiple departments, including public charge resolution, disaster management, relief and civil defense, horticulture, and agricultural and horticulture.
Meena defeated Sawai Madhopur in the state assembly elections of the previous year.