Embracing the vision of women empowerment set forth by Chief Minister S. Bhagwant Singh Mann, the Punjab Government has organised three Mega Placement Camps for women in Hoshiarpur, Barnala and Sri Muktsar Sahib districts, on Tuesday. A total of 1223 women were selected for placements, with an additional 50 women candidates shortlisted for self-employment assistance, informed Mr. Aman Arora, Minister of Employment Generation, Skill Development, and Training.
These Mega Placement Camps, organised by the Employment Generation, Skill Development, and Training in collaboration with the Department of Social Security, Women and Child Development, drew in over 2829 participants.
Mr. Aman Arora also mentioned that 41 employers took part in these camps, resulting in 1223 candidates being selected/shortlisted for placements. Notably, Microsoft and IBM shortlisted over 100 candidates for digital skill development.
Over 2800 candidates participate in three Mega Placement Camps organised in Hoshiarpur, Barnala & Sri Muktsar Sahib, says Aman Arora
* 41 employers including Microsoft and IBM participated in camps
He further added that various Departments of the Punjab Government and bankers shared information on self-employment opportunities for women candidates, leading to the shortlisting of 50 candidates for self-employment assistance.
Congratulating both the departments for collaborating seamlessly to ensure the success of the events, Mr. Aman Arora said that it was a grand show that provided Employment, Self-Employment and Skill Development services all in one place.
Ms. Amrit Singh, the Director of Employment Generation, Skill Development and Training said that Lok Sabha MP Dr. Raj Kumar Chabbewal led the Mega Placement Camp in Hoshiarpur district, while Punjab Social Security, Women and Child Development Minister Ms. Baljit Kaur graced the event at Gidderbaha in Sri Muktsar Sahib district. She emphasised that these women-specific placement camps will significantly contribute to empowering the women of Punjab, thereby laying a robust foundation for a prosperous Punjab.