Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini said on Wednesday that police work is difficult, but they fulfill their duty with patience even in difficult and unpleasant circumstances.
“The government is committed to making Haryana Police the leading police force of the country,” Saini told reporters.
He stated that the ‘TRP’ (transparent recruitment process) has been introduced to ensure fair recruitment in the police department.
Training institutes should remember that, in addition to being a competent cop, a police officer should also be a decent citizen, according to Saini.
The Chief Minister remarked this while addressing a crowd at the passing-out parade held at the Police Training College in Sunaria, Rohtak district, to commemorate the completion of training for 1, 265 jawans from 18 companies.
Earlier, he rode in an open jeep, inspecting the parade contingents and saluting the marchers.
Saini stated that the administration is committed to protecting the safety of all people and their property.
“With the addition of these jawans to the Haryana Police, the force’s strength will grow. “All jawans should work hard and dedicate themselves to their duties in order to increase the efficiency of the police force,” he stated.
The Chief Minister stated that 765 of the 1,265 jawans who underwent training came from the Sunaria Police Academy, with the remainder coming from the Haryana Police Academy in Madhuban.
He urged police officers to operate in the spirit of serving the country while also providing social services. He stated that in the last ten and a half years, the government had employed more than 1.32 lakh young people based on merit.
The Chief Minister stated that the police are taking action against criminals and those involved in illegal drug trafficking and punishing them. He stated that the administration is well prepared to deal with drug trafficking.
It has set up the Inter-State Drugs Secretariat and the Haryana State Narcotics Control Bureau to handle this.