According to Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, there would be a 10% horizontal reservation for ancestors in direct state government recruitment for constable, mining guard, forest guard, jail warden, and special police officer positions. constable, mining guard, forest guard, jail warden, and special police officer positions.
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Wednesday unveiled a number of initiatives meant to assist Agniveers and integrate them into government services as well as help them advance in their jobs after leaving the military.
The opposition has been criticizing the Union government’s Agnipath program since its inception on June 14, 2022, because Agniveers are required to serve for a period of four years.
Speaking during a press conference, Saini said that the state government has implemented a number of measures aimed at giving Agniveers significant chances.
A 10% horizontal reservation in government hiring for the positions of constable, mine guard, forest guard, jail warden, and special police officer (SPO) is one of the important initiatives. Agniveers in the state should expect a significant increase in employment prospects as a result of this project.
The government will grant a three-year extension to the maximum age for postings in Groups B and C. This age relaxation will be extended to five years for those hired in the initial batch of the Agnipath initiative, giving them more possibilities and flexibility.
Agniveers will also benefit from a 5% horizontal reservation in civil Group-C posts, ensuring broader employment prospects across sectors.
Arms licences will be issued on priority to Agniveers.
The government has introduced a scheme to provide interest-free loan of ₹5 lakh to any Agniveer wishing to start a business. This financial support is aimed at empowering Agniveers to become self-reliant and contribute to the state’s economy.
Saini said these steps are a part of the government’s ongoing commitment to support the rehabilitation and future career prospects of Agniveers.