The Delhi High Court has issued a notice to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) concerning a bail plea filed by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in connection with the excise policy case. Initially, the high court agreed with the CBI’s argument that Kejriwal should have first approached a city court.However, during discussions, the bench decided to consider the merits of Kejriwal’s direct appeal to the high court.
Kejriwal alleges ‘harassment by CBI’
In his appeal to the high court for bail, Kejriwal said the CBI was constantly harassing him under the guise of ongoing investigations.
“The investigations have already been completed and the materials which form the basis of the arrest have already been gathered. A premier investigating agency like the CBI cannot play truant with the process of law,” he said.
He further claimed that his arrest was completely illegal, unconstitutional, and unsustainable, and that the remand orders were clearly routine.
Arrest details
Kejriwal’s arrest timeline and allegations against CBI
Kejriwal was granted bail in the money laundering case on June 20 by a trial court.
However, the order was later stayed by the Delhi High Court on June 25 after the ED filed a motion to stay it.
The next day, he was arrested by the CBI and remanded to its custody till June 29.
This judicial custody was later extended till July 12