The famous actor with global presence Deepika Padukone. Took it to instagram to share about some self-care tips in this self-care month, she never misses the opportunity to be real and raw with her audience and always amaze them with a glimpse of her life
The people are always curious to know about celeb’s diet and routine and how they maintain that certain body and figure with such hefty schedule.
In her recent Instagram post, the queen of bollywood revealed her secret to her healthy and tonned figure, she wrote: Well-timed indulgences. A constant part to her maintenance is a balanced diet. “I’ve always, for as long as I can remember, followed a ‘Balanced Diet’. And it for me ‘a way of life’. I’ve never followed a diet that I cannot be consistent with or one that is a fad,” said the actress in the caption of her post, focusing on the need to have a sustainable diet that can be followed easily on a daily basis.
In one of her other posts in regards of self-care month, she shared a Yoga asana, Viparita Karani, for her followers to practice for improving mental and physical health both, which is something she wrote that she includes in her routine. “But why celebrate ‘Self-Care Month’ when you can practice simple acts of Self-Care every day?,” says the actress stressing on the importance of making self-care a ritual.
With her new self-care brand 82.e’s launch and her pregnancy in between, she seems to be posting more about her relationship with food and workout being a way for her to “feel” good rather than to “look” good, actively advocating for the benefits of self-care.