The Rajasthan State Human Rights Commission on Wednesday inaugurated a 21-day national level internship program for students of the legal field at the Government Secretariat. The inaugural ceremony was presided over by Justice Shri Ram Chandra Singh Jhala, member of the Commission.
Addressing the law students present as interns on this occasion, Shri Jhala said that the main subjects of human rights are life, liberty, equality and the right to live with dignity. He said that it is very easy to register a complaint in the Human Rights Commission. Any person can send a complaint to the Commission by himself, by post, online or through someone else and there is no charge for this. Necessary action is also taken if the complaint is found to be correct.
Shri Jhala said that awareness about human rights is very low among the general public, especially in rural areas. He asked the law students to be aware and be vigilant in the cases of human rights violations happening around them.
Addressing the inaugural session, Additional Director General of Police Shri Sushmit Vishwas said that cases of human rights violations come to the fore in every nation. Human rights can be protected with a proactive approach.
On this occasion, Administrative Secretary of Rajasthan State Human Rights Commission, Shri Hridesh Kumar Sharma, District Judge and Registrar of the Commission, Shri Sanjay Kumar, Deputy Secretary Shri Kanishka Saini, Additional Superintendent of Police Dr. Sandhya Yadav were present.
It is noteworthy that the national level internship will continue from 3 July to 24 July 2024. In this internship program, 46 law students from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and other states will get internship on various subjects related to human rights.