The Nitish Kumar-led NDA government in Bihar has cancelled tenders worth ₹4706 crore awarded by the public health and engineering department while the Janata Dal (United) was in alliance with the Rashtriya Janata Dal and the Congress, according to state PHED minister and BJP MLA Niraj Kumar Singh.
Responding to a short-notice question from fellow party MLA Sanjay Saraogi in the assembly on what action was being taken against officials for irregularities in the tendering process that resulted in cancellations, the minister stated that a new tendering procedure was underway to award contracts.
According to Singh, tenders worth ₹826 crore were cancelled during the first round. “There are several causes for this. Many habitations and settlements were previously excluded but have since been included.
The necessary adjustments have been implemented. The first step of tendering has been finished, and they will be awarded soon,” he stated.
In the event of any irregularities, the minister stated that appropriate action would be taken.
There are numerous reasons for cancellations. We are now in the process of issuing second-phase tenders to avoid project delays,” Singh said.
The terminated tenders concern the supply of drinking water in rural areas. Lalit Kumar Yadav, an RJD MLA, served as the PHED minister in the previous Grand Alliance administration. All of the cancelled contracts were signed during Yadav’s tenure.
Yadav responded to the latest event, saying, “The administration is doing what it sees fit. There’s not much in it. The minister has replied. “I have nothing to say about it.”